Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Winter.Fashion.For.Men: Boots

Unfortunately for us, (well at least for me) its that time of the year again; the time where our city streets are invaded by mother nature's wrath. Yes, tons and tons of winter white snow falling on us, making most of our lives miserable (hey, even the die-hard winter lovers hate the slushy, icy streets of Montreal in winter). Therefore it is time to bring out the artillery; chunky scarves, knitted gloves and beanies, big warm coats and our dreaded stocky winter boots.

But in today's fashion, designers think of us poor style-conscious lovers who dread walking a mile in ugly footwear. Therefore, today's selection of winter boots are both practical and stylish. No more reason for those hideous snow boots of the past.

Here are some of my top Men's winter footwear must haves.



High quality, waterproof boots that are resistant to the grueling winters are not cheap but merit the price. You'll be happy wearing them next time you’re shoveling your driveway or walking a slippery Montreal sidewalk.



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