Saturday, June 18, 2011

My.Collaborations: YourKloset.Com

A few months ago, I had written a post about new and exciting collaborations happening with me and my blog. I had mentioned that I started writing for the blogazine Well into my 6th article written for them now, I wanted to share my feelings, experience and growth to you all.

First, the experience so far has been very fulfilling to me as has allowed me to write about many topics, some more serious than other. It has also allowed me to share my experiences in this crazy industry of ours, not always positively I must admit, but it is the truth of my own experiences. One cannot always be jolly, and it is in adversities that you discover the good stuff.

My 6th article for is done and online. It tackles something that hits home. As you all know by now, I work in the fashion industry as a designer but I also am a fashion blogger, hence the birth of The.Shoe.Freak a few years ago. These past few months, fashion bloggers have been getting the cold shoulder and harsh critics from people from the industry as well as the regular population, discrediting in many ways the work and credibility of the bloggers. In a very short period of time, I have been able to immerse myself in the fashion blogging world and I have come to meet incredibly talented, passionate and credible people running all the Montreal fashion blogs. The efforts, time and work they put into their craft (yes, it is a craft) is blindly overlooked and all this with no money, or very little for some, made out of it. The article has been getting a lot of buzz and I would love for you all to go read the article at Why so Much Hate Towards Fashion Blogs and Bloggers? I find it to be my most inspirational and direct piece so far.

I would love to hear your opinions, thoughts and comments on the topic.

Thank a lot for the support!


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